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This product line includes one or more of the product parts:

72"x48" 2019 RoboPlay Challenge Competition Mat

96"x48" 2018 RoboPlay Challenge Competition Mat 

96"x48 2017 RoboPlay Challenge Competition Mat 

96"x48 2016 RoboPlay Challenge Competition Mat 

96"x48 2015 RoboPlay Challenge Competition Mat

96"x48 2014 RoboPlay Challenge Competition Mat


These mats and RoboPlay Challenge Competition Booklets were used for RoboPlay Challenge Competitions. The PDF files of the booklets and solution videos for these previous challenges are available here.


Students can use these mats to practice and solve challenge tasks in previous years' RoboPlay Challenge Competitions. Schools and districts can also organize their own robotics competitions using these mats with their own-designed challenges customized for learning various STEM subjects for students in different grade levels. 


This TV news program in Cinncinnati, Ohio aired a report showing how a district-wide RoboPlay competition can be organized locally for your students.

RoboPlay Challenge Competition Mat

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