Afterschool Programs

Barobo's Afterschool Programs provide our afterschool program partners with the necessary resources to integrate coding, making, and robotics projects into their informal learning offerings for students during the summer and academic year. The programs emphasize logical and computational thinking with fun, hands-on activities for exploring real-world applications of computer science and math. Students learn problem solving, effective communication, and teamwork skills. These afterschool programs using Barobo Linkbot, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi are organized by our partners at their sites. The informal project-based learning complements the UC Davis C-STEM formal curriculum for classroom teaching. The formal and informal programs therefore reinforce each other, providing students with engaging year-long learning opportunities with hands-on computing and robotics. User-friendly RoboBlocky software allows absolute beginners to quickly get started with Linkbots and Arduino for hands-on learning.
See below for descriptions of twelve different innovative enrichment programs that may be offered for students from grades 3 through 12 using Barobo Linkbot, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi. These camps are suitable for many types of informal education programs in addition to afterschool programs, such as summer programs, youth camps, clubs, libraries, and museums. Barobo also offers the possibility of "Girls in Robotic Leadership" (GIRL) camps.

Getting started with your robotics journey! This camp introduces campers to robotics. A robot is a re-programmable machine. Campers will learn working principles of robotics. Two or more Linkbots can be Bump Connected, allowing easy control of one or more Linkbots by holding and moving only a single Linkbot, without coding. Campers will have fun playing a soccer game using bump connected Linkbots. RoboBlocky is a block-based computing environment. It uses a simple puzzle-piece interface to program both hardware and virtual Linkbots. Campers will learn various concepts of robotics using RoboBlocky with Linkbots.
Getting Started with Robotics
One-week camp for elementary school students from grades 3-5.

This camp introduces campers to computer science, coding, and computational thinking with hands-on robotics. RoboBlocky is a block-based computing environment that includes a comprehensive coding, robotics, and math curriculum. It uses a simple puzzle-piece interface to program both hardware and virtual Linkbots. Campers will learn coding with robotics through RoboBlocky with Linkbots.
Exploring Computer Science with Robotics
One-week camp for elementary school students from grades 4-6.

You've got artistic talent! This camp introduces campers to artistic creativity with robotics. It gives students the opportunity to explore their artistic and creative talents through a user-friendly visual media. Campers start with drawing and animation in RoboBlocky first. Then, they draw art pieces using a hardware Linkbot. The week ends with student teams presenting their projects with artistic creativity integrated with robotics.
Exploring Art with Robotics
One-week camp for middle school students from grades 4-6.

Curious about the applications of mathematics? This robotics camp explores mathematical concepts through practical applications with hands-on and fun robotics activities. Campers learn how to program a Linkbot in RoboBlocky. Through hands-on robotics activities, campers learn and reinforce algebraic thinking with arithmetic operations in whole and decimal numbers, number line, fractions, measurement, variables, data conversion, angles, ratios, proportions, and linear relationships. The week ends with student teams presenting on how the above math concepts are used in real-world applications such as controlling a robot.
Exploring Math with Robotics
One-week camp for elementary school students from grades 5-6.

Build your own imaginary robotic systems! This camp introduces campers to creative thinking with robotics. Linkbot is a reconfigurable modular robot. Multiple Linkbots and accessories can be easily snapped together, without special tools, to create different Linkbot systems for different tasks and projects. Campers will learn principles of coding and robotics. They will create various robotic systems and develop programs in RoboBlocky to solve real-world problems using Linkbots and various accessories. The week ends with student teams presenting their projects with robotics in the context of global problems. Campers gain problem solving, effective communication, and teamwork skills.
Creating Robotic Systems with Modular Linkbots
One-week camp for middle school students from grades 6-8.

Code like an engineer! This camp introduces campers to the coding in Ch/C/C++ and computational thinking with hands-on robotics. First, campers drive a Linkbot to explore various capabilities of the robot using RoboBlocky. Next, campers learn how to program a robot with text-based coding in the user-friendly C/C++ interpreter Ch. Then, campers learn to design, construct, and program their own robotic system. Afterwards, campers extend their knowledge to create complex robotic systems with multiple Linkbots for various different applications and challenges, such as a robot dance. Finally, the week ends with a mock RoboPlay Challenge Competition. Campers gain problem solving, effective communication, and teamwork skills.
Programming with Robotics
One-week camp for middle school students from grades 6-8.
Make your own movies! This camp introduces campers to digital media and video editing with hands-on robotics. Campers start with the basics of how a computer works and then learn to control a single Linkbot and multiple Linkbots for robot dancing using RoboBlocky and the C/C++ interpreter Ch. Using the computer programs they create to control the robots, campers explore video editing and film production by creating a script, artwork, musical score, and robotic choreography to be combined in a short video which can be submitted to the RoboPlay Video Competition. The week ends with student teams presenting their projects and videos with robotics in the context of global problems. Campers gain problem solving, effective communication, and teamwork skills.
Robotics and Digital Media
One-week camp for middle school students from grades 6-8.

Create like an artist! This camp introduces campers to artistic creativity with robotics. It gives students the opportunity to explore their artistic and creative talents using music and visual media. Campers start with drawing and animation in RoboBlocky. Then, they draw art pieces using a hardware Linkbot. Next, they play melodies using a Linkbot through RoboBlockly. They also learn to compose music notes by writing a program in the C/C++ interpreter Ch. Finally, they will integrate their drawing and music in Linkbot to create their art work with both music and visual parts.The week ends with student teams presenting their projects with artistic creativity expressed through robotics. Campers gain problem solving, effective communication, and teamwork skills.
Robotics and Art
One-week camp for middle school students from grades 6-8.

Creating parts to build your designed robotic systems! This camp introduces campers to the working principles of computer-aided design and 3D printing with the Autodesk Inventor 3D modeling software and Linkbot. The integrated standard thread holes in Linkbots allow for custom-made accessories. Users can also develop their own parts to be snapped together with Linkbot and its accessories. Campers start with the basics of how the Linkbot works. Campers are then introduced to the creation of 3D parts in Inventor and apply those skills to creating parts to form their own robotic systems with the Linkbot to solve different engineering design and real-world problems. Using the skills that they developed, campers explore their creativity and ingenuity in solving real-life physical problems and creating 3D parts that will be printed on-site using a 3D printer. This camp is focused on exploring campers’ creativity by turning ideas into 3D printed parts to build custom robotic systems.
3D Printing with Robotics
One-week camp for students from grades 7-9.

DIY and join the Maker Revolution! This camp introduces campers to electronics and making with Arduino. Barobo Arduino-Compatible boards provide a user-friendly solution for making and building in the physical world. Campers learn basics of electronics and debug circuitry using ChDuino. Then, they learn how to program Arduino with RoboBlocky and C/C++ interpreter Ch. Campers also learn how Arduino responds to sensors using simple and enlightening examples. Finally, campers design and build more fun stuff based on their imagination as team projects. The week ends with student teams presenting their projects.
Do It Yourself and Making with Arduino
One-week camp for students from grades 7-9.

This camp introduces campers to sensor fusion of robotics through Arduino. Barobo Arduino-Compatible boards provide a user-friendly solution for integrating sensors into Linkbot systems using Arduino. Using the Linkbot Arduino-Compatible Pack, any standard off-the-shelf sensors can be integrated with Linkbot for sensor fusion. There are no limits on what sensors can be integrated and what users can do with Linkbot. Campers will learn how to program Linkbot and Arduino in C/C++ interpreter Ch first. Then, campers will learn sensor-based robot motion such as line following, obstacle avoidance, responding to light and sound, and displaying LCD graphics. Finally, the week ends with student teams presenting their projects
Robotics Sensor Fusion with Arduino
One-week camp for high school students from grades 9-12

Curious how driverless cars work on the street? This camp introduces campers to Raspberry Pi through robotics. Barobo Raspberry Pi is designed to run C-STEMbian. Using the Linkbot Pi Pack, any standard off-the-shelf sensors can be integrated with Linkbot for sensor fusion. There are no limits on what sensors can be integrated and what users can do with Linkbot. Campers will learn the basics of Linux first. Then, they will learn electronics using GPIOviewer and wiringPi using C-STEM Studio. Next, campers will learn sensor-based robot motion such as line following, obstacle avoidance, responding to light and sound, and tracking motion using a camera. Finally, the week ends with student teams presenting their projects.
Robotics with Raspberry Pi
One-week camp for high school students from grades 9-12